Getting ready for a sub or guest teacher can seem overwhelming and daunting. Sometimes even just getting started can seem like a big job. What forms should be shared? How to organize the schedule? What about this and that?
Here are a few tips and tricks to help you make sub plans with a little less stress!
Take some of the stress of planning for a sub away with this Sub Binder template. The organization is easy for you to prepare and easy for subs to follow. A win-win! Just print and fill out the pages you need ahead of time, and it will save you the extra work of putting together important information at a moment's notice.

The sub binder includes templates for…
- Cover pages
- Classroom Logins
- Daily Routine
- Safety Drills
- Outdoor & Indoor Recess
- Classroom Supplies
- Turning in Work
- Responsible Students
- Where Do I Find…
- Behavior Procedures & Classroom Rules
- Sub Reflection Form
- Plus MORE!
You can even go one step further and use the READY TO USE sub plans! These are great as emergency sub plans to keep on hand to use the next time you are absent. The no prep sub plans are designed to make your job easier and help a sub keep your classroom running. These ready to use sub plans include activities for reading, writing, and math that can be used any day of the week.

Emergency Sub Plans – 2nd, 3rd, & 4th Grade Substitute Plans
Need to take the work out of sub plans? These emergency sub plans are done for you and ready to use! The no prep sub plans are super easy to prepare in a pinch and can make being absent a little easier. There are both printable and digital versions to let you decide what works best for your class when you are absent.
It is always a good idea to keep your sub binder and plans in one easy to find area. You can keep them in a labeled bin or “sub tub” to make sure everything you need is together and ready.
Another little tip is to add the ready to use lesson plans to your sub binder, and all the important information for your class will be ready for when you need them! You will have peace of mind knowing that if you have any unplanned absences, your substitute will have helpful information and substitute plans ready to go.
It's also a great idea to keep a couple read alouds in a book bin too. These are books you know you won't read throughout the year but are perfect for sub days.
Another way to keep your classroom running smoothly when you aren't there is to keep up with classroom management. BINGO is the answer! Bingo can be SUCH a game changer for a sub. It is a great way to curb any behavior issues and to help reinforce positive behavior management for the entire class. You can pick a prize as a class before you are gone, like extra recess, and it will help students stay motivated to earn a prize when you return to school.

One last tip is to have a few things ready just in case the sub finishes something early or has a few minutes of extra time before needing to transition. Fast finisher task cards are just PERFECT for this. You can have them printed and cut, and keep them in a zipper pouch. Then the sub can grab one for the whole class to do or hand one out to individual students. Fast-fisher task cards are easy ways to keep students learning without having to prep a bunch of extra activities.

Enter your info below to get a fast finisher task card freebie!

Fast Finisher Task Cards
All the links in one area to make it easy for you!
– Bin to keep all the sub things together. – Bingo to support classroom management. (Be sure to laminate your bingo boards and pieces so they last year after year! Then use Velcro dots to make it easy to use!) – Book bins to store read alouds for specifically for subs. – Zipper pouches to keep fast finisher task cards in.
Pin this image to read the blog later! Be sure to check out this blog post about Bingo and other classroom management games to keep your class engaged and following classroom expectations all year long!

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