March can be a busy month that can easily get overwhelming super quickly. One way to not allow yourself to get swept away is to focus on one area, subject or skill – in this case, women in history.

The best resource is the one that is LOW PREP and can be used in a variety of ways. This Women in History Mini Unit is so versatile that it can easily be incorporated into your lesson plans.
This mini unit is perfect for stations, partnerships or even independent work!
- Stations: Set the resource out all month long as a station. Students can work through the tasks (podcasts, reading passages, and more) at their own pace. This allows students to take time and reflect on the impact each of the women in the mini-unit has had on the world today.
- Partnerships: A great opportunity for students to pair up and learn about the important contributions of women in history. Students working in partners or small groups is a great way for them to share ideas and think through assignments.
- Independent: Sometimes students working alone is the best option. There are so many tasks within the mini-unit that you can decide to have all students complete the same task at the same time or allow them the freedom to choose.

However you decide to incorporate the Women in History Mini Unit into your classroom will be a huge hit! If you are loving this product and want more research about important and influential women in history, check out this blog HERE with a bunch of Women's History Month Ideas.
Who doesn't love a cross curricular mini unit that covers social studies and reading with a pinch of writing!? Women's History Month is a great time for students to learn about important women who have made an impact on our society in engaging and creative ways. This mini-unit is PACKED FULL of so many engaging Women's History Month activities that your students will be interested and working hard the entire month of March!

- Reading passages with comprehension questions.
- Mentor Text Companions – these books are awesome! Many might be a new picture book read for most students (and maybe you too)!
- Podcast Episodes with a brochure for each – hello peace and quiet! Practice comprehension questions is one of the best ways that take learning outside of history books.
- 12 Short Videos on Slides with discussion questions and a writing prompt.
- Extension Activities – this is sometimes the best part. Students can show what they have learned and really get creative.

These Women's History Month activities are an easy way to incorporate meaningful learning while also celebrating women's accomplishments. However you choose to incorporate the Women in History Mini Unit, your students will learn so much in ways that are engaging and beyond the everyday!
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