Here’s the included gift tags:
- Color option
- Black and white option
- 10 unique phrases
- 11 gift tag options
- This year flew by – paper airplane, bubbles
- This year was chalk full of fun – chalk
- You will glow next year – glow sticks
- Hands down best year ever – clappers, sticky hands
- We had a silly year – fidgets, crazy straws
- Jump for joy it’s time for summer – jump rope
- Take note this year was great – notepad, pen/pencil, retractable pen
- This year was a ball – beach ball, bouncy ball
- This year was poppin – popcorn, pop-it, gum
- Here’s to a sweet summer – candy, individually cookie or sweet
Your students will love the premade gift tag as well as the gift attached to it! There are possible gift ideas matched with each gift tag or add your own twist! Buy a gift or create something to lower the cost!
Prep is quick and easy… Choose the gift tag you like best and print! You can holepunch the gift tag and use a ribbon to attach the tag to the gift. Another option is to staple or tape the tag right on the gift. These are perfect to use over and over each year!
Katrina E.. says, “I love the variety of the tags! I used some for the end of the year gifts and the students loved them!! thank you for creating this!!!”
Natalie P. says, “These are such cute tags and there are so many options! I can’t wait to attach them to end of the year gifts for my kiddos this year and in future years.“
Catherine B. says, “Really great resource with lots of options for different gifts! I used the jump rope one and the kids loved it!“
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Copyright © Teach Create Motivate.
Permission to copy for single classroom use only.
Please purchase additional licenses if you intend to share this product.