Teachers. Love. Storage! Well..teachers love any type of organization that makes our lives easier right?! I knew I needed to come up with a system for my classroom management games storage, and now that I have I can't wait to show it to all of you! Note: These classroom storage ideas will be perfect for any materials or activities!
If you are curious about these games, you can read a blog post here OR here, and see them in the shop right here! Now before I show you all of this organizational goodness, I wanted to mention that these ideas and storage tips can really be used for any activities or materials!
I have 3 ways you can organize these classroom management games PLUS I created a ton of free labels for you at the end!

Iris Container and Plastic Envelopes
Have you grabbed some of these plastic containers for your classroom yet? I use them for ALL the things! They work really well for so many different things! I love how they stack, they hold a lot, and they are super sturdy! If you want to use these containers for storing your classroom management games I recommend at least 3-4 (they come in a pack of 6!). For example, they hold at least 4 different bingo themes. Inside the plastic cases I use the small photo cases for the game pieces-these are amazing! They not only fit inside the plastic case but they hold all the pieces you need for each game!
Here is the game changer: These plastic envelopes that not only velcro close but that have HOLES for binder use! Hello endless possibilities! These hold all the bingo boards for one theme as well as the individual boards! They also hold everything you need for the Make A Deal game! I simply stick all of my printed game boards (and larger Make A Deal pieces) in an envelope and throw it in the plastic case! So easy! With the labels on the top, front, and for the game pieces everything looks so nice and clean and I can quickly find whatever game or themed bingo I need quickly!

If you are using these plastic cases you can store the themes of bingo in groups together and then all other games in another case.
Back to School, Fall, Holiday, Winter Bingo
Valentine's Day, St. Patricks Day, Spring Bingo. End of the Year
Emoji, Sweet Treats, Pirate, Space (coming soon!) Bingo
Make A Deal, Connect, and Tic Tac Toe
Click HERE for plastic cases
Tap HERE for small cases
See the plastic envelopes HERE
Binder with Plastic Envelopes
As much as I love the first storage option, I also REALLY love this one! It is just so easy to store and find everything! In a 1.5 inch binder, I use the same exact magic plastic envelopes (remember I said they have holes!) as well as these small zipper plastic pouches.
The small plastic pouches also have holes to easily store in a binder and are perfect for the game pieces! The bigger envelopes, like mentioned before hold all the boards! Note: If you don't want to use the small zipper pouches for the pieces you could also use the small cases mentioned above-whatever works best for you!
I store these similarly to the storage cases because a 1.5 inch binder can hold 3-4 different games/themes! 3 binders is plenty for the current bingo themes and 1 binder works well for the other classroom management games! Simply stick a binder cover on the front and a label in the spine and add it to a shelf in your classroom!

I love that you can flip through the binder and easily see what games or themes you want to grab for your class to play!
Click HERE for binders
See the plastic envelopes HERE
See HERE for small zipper pouches
Binder with Plastic Envelopes
This is very similar to the above option, except every board or theme (if possible) would go in page protectors. For this you would also need the zipper pouches or you could use the small game piece cases.
This option still allows you to see the boards and themes very easily!
Click HERE for binders
Check out the sheet protectors HERE
Click HERE for small zipper pouches

I have found that the first 2 options are the easiest and cleanest way to store everything so that it stays like new and is very easy to find! I'm curious…are you team binder or team plastic cases?!
Like promised, I have a label freebie for you (labels shown in all the photos above!) This freebie has:
-case storage top and front labels
-small case game piece labels
-binder covers
-binder spines
You can download this freebie to help label all your classroom management games below!
Don't forget-you can grab ALL of these games at a bundled discount here! Any future classroom management games or updates will be added to the bundle for FREE once you own it!
I hope this was helpful! Happy organizing!
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