Even if summer break has just started, teacher brains are always thinking of the next school year. Part of the fun of a new school year is setting up your classroom. One of the best parts to personalize is the whiteboard! The options are endless and but the impact can be big!
A magnetic favorite is always magnetic numbers. These are perfect for displaying the date, class periods or whatever you need! The numbers are large enough to easily be seen around the room but not so big they take over the space.
A magnetic whiteboard is a blank canvas. I LOVE finding Amazon items that are fairly inexpensive, functional and cute. The perfect combo! Who knew spice racks would have a place in a classroom? The spice racks are magnetic and pretty sturdy. They are perfect for displaying books, keeping a small bucket of markers, small manipulatives or whatever you can think of! Stacking two or three on the whiteboard uses space that is sometimes left empty.
Another magnetic gem is hooks. The hooks come in a few different colors (silver, white, black and a few others) which gives you the opportunity to match your decor. The hooks also come in different strengths. Some can hold a few pounds worth of weight while others can hold over 15! This gives you lots of flexibility with how you them. Magnetic hooks have SO MANY options.
- Hang your teacher lanyard
- Stick on the bottom of the spice racks (hang your doorbell button on it!)
- String a strand of twinkle lights (hello ambience!)
- Place a ring of discussion cards for easy access
- Hanging a small pocket chart
- Anything you can think of!
A magnetic rod is worth its weight in gold! So many uses for the rod. Hanging large poster paper is a great way to create and display anchor charts. Center rotations can easily be displayed on this rod. Or of course – curtains. Magnetic rods are not only helpful, but offer so many functions.
If you display any kind of paper document on your whiteboard, magnetic circle dots are for you. They are SO easy to use! My favorite way to use them is on the back of border, bingo or banners just to name a few. It becomes super simple to use and move the items. Peel the dot, stick it on the back and put on the whiteboard! This makes changing out items super simple. Seasonal bingo is easy to switch out and takes minimal effort to prepare.
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