Show Notes
Hey teachers! It’s here! The Teach Create Motivate podcast and I cannot wait to get started!
Oh my goodness, I cannot believe this is really happening.Starting a podcast for teachers like you.. and ME!.. has been a dream of mine for quite a while. I will be honest, letting the fear of “What Ifs” did hold me back for a little bit, but I decided to jump right in because I couldn’t wait to bring you guys all these amazing teaching ideas and tips and tricks.
Who is Teach Create Motivate?
Before we get started, I wanted to tell you a little bit more about me. My name is Ashley Marquez and I am the face behind the teaching website and TPT store Teach Create Motivate. You may also know me from Instagram, which is where I love sharing ideas from my classroom, everyday life, and of course Amazon finds. My passion in teaching is truly student choice and independence. If you follow me or my resources, you probably know how important student goal setting, time management, and independence and choice in students’ everyday activities is to me. For me it’s vital, crucial and so beneficial. I plan on talking about that and more on this podcast.
Why a Podcast?
Why a podcast? You guys, teaching is tough. It really is! It’s also so fun and there are so many amazing ideas out there. I have tons of ideas constantly circling through my head and I struggle with finding time to share them all. On top of that, I know other teachers with phenomenal teaching practices.I thought a podcast would be a great additional space to share these with you and other teachers. While this is just a “Welcome, hey how are you doing?” episode, I have big plans for future topics. On the podcast, you can expect to hear episodes with me, your host, talking to you about things that I am passionate about, ideas that I have, and things that work well in my classroom. Also, I’ll be sharing some topics that I know you guys are interested in. You’ve either told me through Instagram or emails that you really want to learn more about things related to your teaching, classroom or students. (2:44-2:54)
I’m also super excited to share with you guys that I’ll be bringing guests on the show. Through the teaching community, I have met so many amazing teachers that have great ideas and do things really well that I know you’re going to want to learn or hear more about. So, I’ll be having guests on the podcast every so often. They will share things that they are passionate about that you can also implement into your classroom.
Content on the Show
Let’s talk content! Here are just a sneak peek of topics that will make their way onto the show.
- Morning Meeting
- Classroom Management
- Classroom Organization
- Flexible Seating
- Math and Reading
- Small Groups
- Preventing Burnout
- Teacher Self-Care
Exciting Guest Appearances
This doesn’t even cover the guests and the amazing ideas that they will be bringing to the show!
I’m really excited to see where this podcast goes! I can’t wait to see how it connects you and I as educators and ultimately how students are greatly impacted by our collaboration of ideas. My genuine hope for this podcast is that you can take ideas and motivation back to your classroom and more importantly your students. Whether you’re feeling stuck or you’re just looking for some great ideas on specific topics, the bottom line is that you are a great teacher and you’re doing an amazing job. The fact that you’re listening and learning just shows how much you really care about the students in your classroom each day.
What Do You Want to Hear?!
With this being the very first episode, I really wanted to let you get a feel for what to expect. If you have specific ideas or topic recommendations that you would love to be on the show I would love to hear it! Please feel free to send me an email or an instagram message. If you really want to help a teacher out, I would love it if you subscribed, share this podcast with a teacher friend, or leave a review.
I’m so excited to have you on this new journey. I hope it will be a way to connect with you and other teachers as well as continue to share ideas that will help you and your students.
Stay tuned for future episodes like “Ways to get Your Teaching Life Organized in the New Year,” “Three Things You Can Take Straight to Your Classroom Today,” and possibly a guest talking all about “How to Bring Current Events to Your Classroom”.
Again, thank you so much for listening. It truly does mean the world to me.
Happy teaching!
Listener Spotlight

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Have you subscribed to the podcast? I don’t want you to miss an episode and we have a lot of good topics and guests coming up! Click here to subscribe on iTunes!
If you are feeling extra kind, I would LOVE it if you left us a review on iTunes too! These reviews help other teachers find the podcast and I truly love reading your feedback. You can click here to review and select “Write a Review” and let me know what you love best about the podcast!
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